Thursday, August 14, 2014

My Wast To Wow

First we drawed the a space alien so we know what we a doing.
Next we saw a photo on the ipad and we did a different alien. We blowed up a balloon for a mask and we cut strippes of paper and if it takes to long we put some paper towel on so it dosen't take to long.
After we have finish our balloon we have to pva glue and we stick a clear pice of paper at the back and we paint them and when it was dryed we cut around it.
We used old jump jam suits and we wanted to have a eye on the jump jam suite.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

My Flying Planes.

One day I made this paper plane years ago.
In 2012 I got blind.
I wish that I can see what is going on.
I closed my eyes and I painted a picture in my head.
I saw... 
My plane dived down to the ground.
It flies like the howling wind.
It's like the speed of a car.
It lands softly to the ground.
Look at it twirl and whirl.
It swoops up and around.
It's gliding though the air.
It twirls down to the ground like a falling leaf.
I opened my eyes and when I went to bed I couldn't stop talking about my paper plane, So I just dreamt about it.